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Citizen Charter


Institute of Pesticide Formulation Technology (IPFT) was established on May 31, 1991 as an Autonomous Institution under the Department of Chemicals & Petrochemicals (DC&PC), Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, Government of India. IPFT is an accredited laboratory as per ISO/IEC–17025 (2017) for testing of pesticides technical & formulation, pesticide residues in various food matrices and CWC related chemicals.  One of the main objectives of the Institute is the development of user and environment friendly pesticide formulation technology. IPFT has established a healthy rapport with the Pesticide Industries and has been able to successfully transfer more than fifty formulation technologies to Indian and Foreign companies.  IPFT is significantly contributing towards new generation pesticide formulations through formulation technologies including Nanotechnology based Nano-emulsions, Microemulsions, Novel Gel Technology, Controlled Release Formulations (CRF), Microencapsulation and Tablet Formulations.

Being a recognized centre of CIB/RC, IPFT is undertaking industry sponsored projects for the data generation on bioefficacy, phytotoxicity, pesticide residue analysis and Persistence studies.

IPFT is working on various R&D projects sponsored by DC&PC and various other agencies. IPFT also undertakes collaborative R&D programmes with various National / International Institutes/Universities. The Institute offers Ph.D. programmes in chemical and biological sciences. The Institute is well equipped with state of the art equipment such as GC-FID/NPD/FPD/ECD, HPLC-UV/PDA, GC-MS, GC-MS/MS, LC-MS/MS, UV-VIS Spectrophotometer, SEM, Micro and Nano Particle Size Analyzers, Wet Grinding Mill, High Shear Mixer, Screen and Screw Extruder with spheronizer, Tableting Machine, Laminar Air Flow, Image Analyzer System, Plant Canopy Analyzer, Laser Leaf Area Meter, Refrigerated Centrifuge, Automatic Colony Counter, Automatic Weather Station, BOD Incubator, Peat Grady Chamber, Potter’s Tower, Knockdown Chamber and many more.

IPFT is conducting Training Courses for various stakeholders in Chemical/Agrochemical sector. Some of the courses offered at IPFT are : Basic Techniques of Pesticide Formulations; QA/QC of Pesticides and their Formulations; Pesticide Application Technology; Pesticide Distributors Training; Pesticide Residue Analysis; Basic principles of GC, HPLC, GC-MS, GC-MS/MS, LC-MS/MS; Advanced Training on GC, HPLC, GC-MS, GC-MS/MS, LC-MS/MS, Biotech Application in Biological Pesticides, Laboratory and Field Evaluation of New Molecules and Pesticides for Agriculture and Public Health Sectors; and Integrated Pest Management. IPFT contributes towards Farmers Field Days and Farmers Meetings with significant impact under development of Rural Agriculture and Intensive Crop Management. Research scholars/executives from Indian agriculture universities/pesticide industries come to IPFT for taking training on above areas. Recently, trainees from Australia, Turkey, Egypt and Sri Lanka have also received training at IPFT.


IPFT is committed to provide efficient and reliable services to its customers by following good laboratory practices and complying with the requirements of ISO/ IEC 17025 : 2017.

  • Provide quality services to the customers as per their specifications and time schedule.
  • Continuously upgrade knowledge/skill of personnel and keep abreast of applicable technologies through training.
  • Continual improvement of testing services through effective implementation of management system.
  • To provide accurate and reliable results by following good laboratory practices.



IPFT has been working on the following R&D projects sponsored by the Department of Chemicals & Petrochemicals as also other sponsoring various agencies :

  • Development of User & Environment Friendly Water Dispersible Granule Formulations of Highly Toxic, Broad Spectrum & effective Pesticides to reduce their Toxicity for Continuation of Use and Prevention from Ban (Sponsored by DC & PC).
  • Development of Mass Production Technique and Formulation for Baculoviruses (Sponsored by DC & PC).
  • Management of Termite by Integrated Approach and Indigenous Technologies (Sponsored by DC & PC).
  • Magnetic core-shell nano particles based extraction coupled with Gas/Liquid Chromatography – Tandem Mass Spectrometry for trace level analysis of pesticides (Sponsored by DC & PC).
  • Pesticide formulation from Plant Extract and  their Bio-efficacy studies (Sponsored by DC & PC).
  • Evaluation, Efficacy Enhancement and Data Generation of Neem based Pesticides & Fertilizers for Commercial Use (Sponsored by DC & PC).
  • Monitoring of Pesticide Residues at National Level (Sponsored by ICAR).


IPFT has the expertise and facilities to develop new generation pesticide formulations and modification of conventional formulations. The Institute has been working on various projects sponsored by the pesticide industries. It is aimed to produce and promote user and environment friendly pesticide formulations in the country. Many technologies have been developed and transferred to large and medium scale pesticide industries in India. The division undertakes developmental work involving the following technologies :

    • Suspension Concentrates
    • Water Dispersible Granules
    • Controlled Release Formulations
    • Concentrated Emulsions
    • Microemulsions
    • Spreading Formulations
    • Suspo – emulsions
    • Micro and Nano encapsulation
    • Gel and Tablet Formulations
    • Bio-botanical Pesticide Formulations


One of the major activities of IPFT is to evaluate different pesticide formulations developed by the Institute, for their commercial viability through bio-assay and field experimentation.  IPFT is also actively engaged in developing registration data packages for the pesticide industry for their new formulations thorough sponsored projects. The Institute is recognized by Central Insecticide Board Registration Committee (CIB/RC) for generating data on bio-efficacy, Phytotoxicity, Residue analysis and Persistence Studies of the pesticides and their formulations.


IPFT is conducting Training Courses for various stakeholders in Chemical/Agrochemical sector. Some of the courses offered at IPFT are : Basic Techniques of Pesticide Formulations; QA/QC of Pesticides and their Formulations; Pesticide Application Technology; Pesticide Distributors Training; Pesticide Residue Analysis; Basic principles of GC, HPLC, GC-MS, GC-MS/MS, LC-MS/MS; Advanced Training on GC, HPLC, GC-MS, GC-MS/MS, LC-MS/MS, Biotech Application in Biological Pesticides, Laboratory and Field Evaluation of New Molecules and Pesticides for Agriculture and Public Health Sectors; and Integrated Pest Management. Research scholars/executives from Indian Agriculture Universities / Pesticide Industries come to IPFT for taking training on above areas. Recently, trainees from Australia, Turkey, Egypt and Sri Lanka have also received training at IPFT.

Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) has recognized IPFT as programme Study Centre for Post Graduate Diploma in Analytical Chemistry (PGDAC). This course is useful component of skill development initiative as participants from various stakeholders are attending this PGDAC course.


IPFT is playing important role for developing awareness and doing extension activities at farmer village level. Villages in Haryana, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh have been identified and adopted for trainings on Pesticides Application Technology (PAT) and techniques of spraying with respect to type of pesticides / target pest. Organic Farming and Indigenous techniques / traditional knowledge are being specifically propagated and disseminated in order to prevent indiscriminate use of chemical pesticides in villages. Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVKs) have been identified and coordinated for collaboration in participation for joint activities at existing farmer field school level. IPFT has also been participating in joint farmer fairs/kishan goshties organized by various stakeholders. In 2016, IPFT participated in Krishi Mela held at Hissar during March 09–10, 2016 and interacted with large number of farmers. IPFT also put up a stall at Krishi Unnati Mela held at IARI, Pusa, New Delhi during March 19–21, 2016 where large number of farmers from various parts of the country interacted with our scientists.


Citizen Charter of IPFT has been formulated on the stated guidelines and as per documented quality management system to fulfill the expectations of its clients to their satisfaction with an intention to retain them on a long-term basis for mutual benefit. IPFT is committed to serve customers with the following objectives :

  • Easy accessibility and customer friendly response within the laid down procedures.
  • Commitment to provide information pertaining to training and technical services offered by IPFT.
  • Facilitate interaction with training and technical department in satisfying the queries of customers.
  • Ensure fulfillment of customer commitment with regard to quality and delivery of services through constant interaction with respective customers.

Further, Director-IPFT ensures effective customer communication and customer grievance redressal through implementation of a documented procedure for customer feedback/ complaints.


Our customers are :

  • Trainees undergoing training courses and their Parents.
  • Agrochemical industries sponsoring projects on data generation.
  • Funding organizations such as DC&PC, DST, DRDO, OPCW & DBT.
  • Industries sponsoring skill development programmes under CSR scheme.
  • Central and State Government departments/agencies who sponsor training programmes for different stakeholders.
  • Central and State Government departments/agencies which avail IPFT’s services as “Testing and Quality Assurance Agency” for testing and evaluation of pesticides and their formulations.


IPFT has established a Grievance Redressal Mechanism with commitment to address any customer complaint or Grievance in a formalized procedure with following guidelines :

  • Grievances shall be acknowledged and forwarded to concerned authority.
  • Visitors to IPFT will be treated with courtesy and heard patiently to facilitate solving of their grievances.

The process flow of Grievance Redress Mechanism would be as follows :

Step 1 :

The customer may approach the Heads of the respective divisions. The Head of the division as listed below shall send the reply within 15 days from the date of receipt of the representation.

Step 2 :

If the aggrieved customer is not satisfied with the reply of the Head of the division, then they can represent to the Director, IPFT who is the Nodal Officer of IPFT for implementation of Citizen Charter. He shall examine and give his reply within 15 days from the date of receipt of the grievances.

Step 3 :

If the Customer’s grievances is still not redressed, then they can represent to the Director of Public Grievances for Department of Chemicals & Petrochemicals

Contact Address of Director of Public Grievances for Department of Chemicals & Petrochemicals, Director-IPFT & Head of the Divisions :

Director of Public Grievances, Department of Chemicals & Petrochemicals :

Joint Secretary

Room No. 341
‘A’ Wing, Shastri Bhawan,
Dr. Rajendera Prasad Road,
New Delhi – 110 001.
Tel. No. : +91-11-23383428
Fax No. : +91-11-23070104

Director of IPFT :

Dr. Mohana Krishna Reddy Mudiam

Institute of Pesticide Formulation Technology (IPFT)
Sector-20, Udyog Vihar, Opp. Ambience Mall, On NH-8
Gurgaon – 122 016 (Haryana).
Tel. No. : +91-124-2342758 / 2347788
Fax No. : +91-124-2348489
E-mail : director [at] ipft [dot] gov [dot] in

Head of the Divisions :
Name, Designation & Contact Information
Formulation Division
Dr. Amrish Agarwal, In-charge
Institute of Pesticide Formulation Technology (IPFT)
Sector-20, Udyog Vihar, Opp. Ambience Mall, On NH-8
Gurgaon – 122 016 (Haryana).
Tel. No. : 0124-2455412
Fax No. : +91-124-2348489
E-mail : Amrish [dot] agrawal [at] ipft [dot] gov [dot] in
Bioscience Division
Dr. Deepak Jaiswal, Specialist (Bio-science)
Institute of Pesticide Formulation Technology (IPFT)
Sector-20, Udyog Vihar, Opp. Ambience Mall, On NH-8
Gurgaon – 122 016 (Haryana).
Tel. No. : 0124-2455409
Fax No. : +91-124-2348489
E-mail : Deepak [dot] kumar [dot] jaiswal [at] gov [dot] i
Analytical Division
Dr. L. K. Thakur, Specialist & OIC
Institute of Pesticide Formulation Technology (IPFT)
Sector-20, Udyog Vihar, Opp. Ambience Mall, On NH-8
Gurgaon – 122 016 (Haryana).
Tel. No. : 0124-2455406
Fax No. : +91-124-2348489
E-mail : Lalitesh [dot] thakur [at] ipft [dot] gov [dot] in


  • Sector – 20 Udyog Vihar, on NH-8, Opp. Ambience Mall,
    Gurgaon -122 016, Haryana,(India)
  • Phone: Telephone : 0124-2455405
    Fax : 0124-2348489
  • E-mail : ipft [dot] 1991 [at] gov [dot] in