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  • Quality Assurance and Quality control services to In-house samples and samples from outside agencies.
  • Pesticide formulation analysis (using BIS/WHO/CIPAC specification) and profiling of impurity.
  • Development/validation/modification of analytical methods for analysis of active ingredients of pesticides.
  • Shelf-life data generation of pesticides and their formulations.
  • Pesticide residue data generation for registration of pesticides in India under CIB&RC.
  • Persistence studies of pesticides in soil, water, plant and foliage.
  • Analysis of samples of organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons.  Analysis of pesticide samples/ biopesticides/residues in farmgate /organic /market samples of food and environmental matrices under the project “Monitoring of pesticide residue at National level (MPR)” sponsored by DAC, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India.